Courage is not about not being afraid, it’s about being brave enough to do what you should do even when you are afraid.
In fact everyone has times when they’re afraid. I’m afraid of public speaking, but i did this devotion at our pm sports program. Our acts of courage may not end up saving the world, but every day we’re faced with opportunities to be courageous.
The point is, we all get afraid sometimes and it takes a lot of strength to overcome those fears with Courage.
But the good news is we’re not alone. There is someone who promises to give us the strength to be courageous. It’s much easier to face something unknown or scary when you know you’re not alone.
Wouldn’t it be Awesome if you had a person who could go everywhere with you and protect you?
Well, there’s someone. He’s bigger, stronger and more powerful than anyone or anything; He’s your heavenly Father. And He promises to be with you wherever you go.
God is with us in all types of situations. And that’s where real courage comes from.
But being courageous isn’t always easy. Especially when it comes to doing the right thing. And it’s even harder when we’re the only one doing the right thing.
So when you’re afraid, remember God is with you.
Joshua 1:9
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Hi Sarah!
ReplyDeleteI saw your blog and thought you might be interested in a new book for teens and young adults that I've written--it's on love, relationships, and sexual morality. I'm pasting the promo below so you can check it out. If you decide to get it, please let me know what you think!
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Gila Manolson
I want to make you aware of a new book called Hands Off! This May Be Love: God's Gift for Establishing Enduring Relationships, published by Lifecodex. This frank and eye-opening book, written by a popular international speaker on relationships, presents a practical case for refraining from physical involvement before marriage in order to build a deep, spiritual bond with the right person. Hands Off! This May Be Love is thought-provoking, entertaining, and down-to-earth, and will be indispensable to anyone promoting sexual purity.
Testimonials appear below.
For more about Hands Off! This May Be Love, go to:
Hands Off Cover final
Is there a way to dramatically reduce heartache?
Can behavior before marriage make success in marriage more likely?
Are we shortchanging ourselves by settling for today’s culture?
Can anyone who cares about others not read this book – either for themselves or someone they love?
Hands Off! This May Be Love: God’s Gift for Establishing Enduring Relationships, by Gila Manolson, is written from the heart and goes to the heart of readers. After decades of speaking with and to young (and not so young) people, Gila reveals scientific and psychological evidence about the power of physical touch and how prematurely introducing that power into a relationship can sabotage true and lasting love.
This enjoyable book, full of anecdotes, provides surprising and thought-provoking ideas and also offers encouragement for doing what is both right and effective rather than what is popular. It is difficult to think of anyone who doesn’t need to read this book, whether to better their own life or the life of someone they love.
“Filled with ancient wisdom and modern humor, this groundbreaking book provides insights into succeeding at love that have never been heard. Those who are smart enough to take the author's sound advice to heart will surely reap many rewards. For this book, young people and their parents owe the author an enormous debt.” --- Miriam Grossman, MD – Author of Unprotected and You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?
“Gila Manolson’s book, Hands Off! This May Be Love, is one of the best and most needed books we’ve read in a long time. It should be required reading in high schools! She eloquently describes the importance of not only honoring and respecting the opposite sex but also honoring and respecting yourself enough to wait before you build those powerful connections brought through touch. These truths can be utilized in every relationship including the workplace. I highly recommend this book for youth leaders in churches. Thanks for a marvelous read!” --- Pastors Mark and Vicki Biltz, Tacoma, WA
“This book is important, bold, and to some, even controversial. The principles presented are sound and hold the potential to turn the cultural tide. They address one of the greatest needs in our time and present a worthy challenge to the current generation. The future is literally in the balance teetering between moral depravity and purity. Read this book and share it with someone who needs to hear its truth.” --- Pastors Mike and Kathy Hayes – Covenant Church, Dallas, TX
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