Courage is not about not being afraid, it’s about being brave enough to do what you should do even when you are afraid.
In fact everyone has times when they’re afraid. I’m afraid of public speaking, but i did this devotion at our pm sports program. Our acts of courage may not end up saving the world, but every day we’re faced with opportunities to be courageous.
The point is, we all get afraid sometimes and it takes a lot of strength to overcome those fears with Courage.
But the good news is we’re not alone. There is someone who promises to give us the strength to be courageous. It’s much easier to face something unknown or scary when you know you’re not alone.
Wouldn’t it be Awesome if you had a person who could go everywhere with you and protect you?
Well, there’s someone. He’s bigger, stronger and more powerful than anyone or anything; He’s your heavenly Father. And He promises to be with you wherever you go.
God is with us in all types of situations. And that’s where real courage comes from.
But being courageous isn’t always easy. Especially when it comes to doing the right thing. And it’s even harder when we’re the only one doing the right thing.
So when you’re afraid, remember God is with you.
Joshua 1:9
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”